1 Select Issue
2 Issue Details
3 Additional Questions
4 Upload Lease
5 Information
6 Important Disclaimer
7 Generate
8 Review and Edit
9 Next Steps

Select the Main Issue

Issue Details

Additional Questions

Please select at least one desired outcome.

Upload Lease Agreement (Optional)

Drag and drop your lease agreement here
or click to browse files (Optional)
Uploading your lease agreement helps us provide more accurate assistance, but it's not required.


Please enter your name.
Please enter your landlord's full name.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your monthly rent.
Please select your state.

Landlord Details

Please enter your landlord's full name.
Please enter your landlord's street address.
Please enter your landlord's city.
Please select your landlord's state.
Please enter a valid ZIP code.

Contact Information

Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid phone number.

Important Disclaimer

Please read the following information carefully before proceeding.

1. Not Legal Advice

DefendMyRent.com is not a law firm and is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We cannot provide any kind of legal advice, recommendations, mediations, or counsel. The information provided through our service is for informational and self-help purposes only.

2. No Attorney-Client Relationship

Use of DefendMyRent.com or its services does not create an attorney-client relationship. Communications between you and DefendMyRent.com are not protected by attorney-client privilege.

3. No Guarantee of Results

We cannot guarantee any particular results or outcomes from using our service. Success in dealing with your landlord depends on various factors beyond our control.

4. User Responsibility

You are responsible for verifying any information provided through our service. We recommend consulting with a qualified attorney about your specific situation before taking any legal action.

5. Information Accuracy

While we strive to keep our information current and accurate, laws and regulations change frequently. The information provided may not reflect the most current legal developments in your jurisdiction.

6. Third-Party Services

Any references to third-party services or third-party websites are provided solely as a convenience to you. We have no control over third-party content and accept no responsibility for it.

7. Document Generation

The letters and documents generated through our service are templates based on general information. You should review and modify any generated documents to ensure they accurately reflect your situation.

8. Privacy & Data Usage

By using our service, you acknowledge that any information you provide will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We take reasonable measures to protect your information but cannot guarantee absolute security.

Generate Your Letter

Click 'Generate Letter' to create your customized demand letter.

We're carefully analyzing your lease to ensure the most accurate letter possible. You can continue customizing your options while we work.

Review and Edit Your Letter

Generating your letter...
This usually takes about 20 seconds
See the AI-generated response below:

Next Steps


Download Your Letter

Review your generated letter one final time before sending.


Email Template


Resolution & Feedback

We'd love to hear about your experience and the outcome of your case.

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Our team is here to help if you need guidance or have questions.

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